Spring 2024 Workshops & Events

Just-In-Time Teaching Series; all sessions held in Wardman Library's LIS

Co-Coordinated by The Center for Teaching and Learning + The Quantitative Success Center

Christina Scott: Student Contracts for Group Work
Monday, February 26th
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Library Instruction Space
*dinner included
Register: Student Contracts

Cean Colcord: Student Portfolios
Tuesday, March 26th
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Library Instruction Space
*dinner included
Register: Student Portfolios

Jonathan Burton: Social Annotation Using NowComment
Monday, April 29th
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Library Instruction Space
*dinner included
Register: NowComment

Coming Soon
Sonia Chaidez: AI in Higher Education
TBA March 2024

Learning Communities

Interested in joining a learning community?
Contact Paige Sturley (psturley@whittier.edu) or Sonia Chaidez (schaidez@whittier.edu) about our HHMI Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching.

New cohort begins Fall 2024!

CTL Workshops & Events Calendar

(Archived) Workshop Recordings and Slides

CTL Announcement